Counselling and Children

counseling for childrenChildren are generally very resilient, and what can seem a problem one minute, is often forgotten about later in the day. They can squabble with their best friend and be all smiles the next. Yet there are times when children struggle to cope with external factors that may be affecting them. Even with the most nurturing of home environments, children can find it difficult to make sense of, or talk about how they are feeling.I have worked extensively with children who have experienced trauma, abuse and bereavement along with many other difficulties.

In younger children, emotional problems may manifest in a disinterest in playing, trouble going to the toilet, spending long periods of time crying or exhibiting more anger and shouting than usual.

Children absorb all of the sensory information from around them. They may not witness two parents going through a difficult patch for example, yet they will still pick up on it energetically and be just as effected emotionally and physically.

Older children may still display similar symptoms to that of a younger child, however in older children emotional issues tend to show through in the child withdrawing from themselves, becoming more isolated, spending time alone and not wishing to discuss how they are feeling. They may display a lack of appetite and particular and stark behavioural changes.

The use of counselling for children is an excellent therapy:

  • Trauma
  • Emotional upset as a result of divorce
  • Anxiety and panic
  • Bed wetting
  • Nightmares
  • Phobias
  • Confidence
  • Picky eating
  • Issues relating to school

Many children do find it difficult to express how they are feeling and some may not have developed the cognitive skills to express their emotions. Sessions with children involve the use of story, talking, and drawing as a way to i talk about how they are feeling.

Children don’t come with a handbook so if your child needs a helping hand call me on 07713 184762 today for a free consultation.

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